Smart Balance Microwave Popcorn, Smart 'N Healthy
New look! Natural and artificial flavors. Supports healthy cholesterol levels already in the normal range. Gluten free. Non-hydrogenated. 0 g trans fat. See nutrition information for sodium content. Where Great Taste Meets Good Health: At Smart Balance, our vision is to nurture healthy hearts with great-tasting food. We're committed to spreading the word about heart-healthy living and helping you enjoy a delicious diet (Clinical research has proven the right blend of fats may improve your cholesterol ratio when at least 2/3 of your fat intake comes from this product, or our Food Plan. Limit total fat to about 30% of calories (65 g per day); saturated fat to 10% of calories (20 g per day); and dietary cholesterol to 300 mg per day. Avoid trans fats. Regular exercise is essential. For tips on how to balance the fats in your diet, see our Food Plan at: Did You Know Smart Balance Popcorn: contains no partially hydrogenated oils and 0 g trans fats - naturally; is a good source of whole grain fiber. No diacetyl added butter flavorings.